Fish more. Waste less.

Save fuel and go straight to the fish. With Catchwise's database based on 20 years of catch data and weather conditions, we've already marked the best spots.

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Trusted by leading actors

Strand RederiAsbjørn SelsbaneBåraguttBluewild

Why Catchwise?

Catchwise provides the toolbox to optimize fishing operations. Increase catch efficiency and reduce fuel consumption with data-driven decisions.


For skipper

Everything you need to find the fish.

Better SAT-AIS

See catch conditions

Precise weather maps

Historical catch data

Get started

For fishery

Data-driven operational planning.

Fewer wasted trips

More precise planning

Compare vessels

Measure efficiency

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What the users say

Hear from some of our users about the value they get from the service.

Everything in one place

Catchwise has collected billions of data points on fishing and catch conditions to give you the insights you need. Full net, no hassle.

Follow vessels in real time

International SAT-AIS with over 4000 vessels and better update frequency with more satellites. In Catchwise, you can see catch activity on the tow line with artificial intelligence.

In collaboration with fishermen

We work closely with fishermen to develop the best tools for the industry.

Find temperature-sensitive species at the bottom

In Christmas 2024, we tested our estimated bottom temperatures with the trawl fleet, where we compared the temperatures measured on the trawl bag with the temperatures in the map. Most deviations were between 0.1 and 0.5 degrees - precise enough to find optimal temperature pockets for haddock and blue halibut.

See the feeding areas of the herring

In May 2024, we launched a new map layer for the pelagic fleet to see copepods and zooplankton 4 days ahead on the European shelf for the fishing of North Sea herring.

Precise current forecasts

Many skippers reported that good map layers and forecasts for ocean currents in advance were highly desired. We use precise weather models that provide ocean current forecasts hour by hour up to 5 days ahead.

What's new in Catchwise?

We improve the service every day to give you the best fishing experience.

Efficiency Report for June 2024

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1 Jul 2024

Efficiency Report for May 2024

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1 Jun 2024

Stay updated 👇
– Målet vårt er å bli for fiskeri, en slags værmelding for hvilke områder det er størst sjanse for å få fisk av en bestemt art.– Målet vårt er å bli for fiskeri, en slags værmelding for hvilke områder det er størst sjanse for å få fisk av en bestemt art.Catchwise omtalt av NCC for beste løsning ved prediksjon av fangst med AICatchwise vinner FishAI: Sustainable Commercial Fishing Competition 2022

Increased fishing efficiency for a more sustainable fishing 🦭

We want all Norwegian fisheries to have access to the insights from catch and ocean data, without the need to hire an analyst.

Catchwise reduces time spent searching for fish. More catch, less fuel.

Profitable for the fisheries. Good for the environment.