Full overview. Always.

See positions of other vessels, tow lines, seabed, and weather maps. Catchwise gives you a full overview of the fishing field.

Real-time vessels (SAT-AIS)

See position and information about vessels updated every 15 seconds.

Historical tow lines

See how other vessels have fished in the area in the last 7 days.

Map layers for fisheries

View map layers such as bottom temperature, currents, and fishing activity.

Right now. Backwards. Future.

Position and information about vessels are updated every 15 seconds. In addition to live data, you can see tow lines for all vessels up to 14 days back in time. The tow lines contain information about the vessel's speed, course, and position.

The depths. Detailed.

View detailed depth charts for large parts of the Norwegian sea area.
Detaljert havbunn

More than just vessels.

View weather maps for wind, waves, and currents. In addition, you can see map layers with information about fisheries, such as spawning areas, fishing boundaries, and more.